Estimate the Earth-Moon separation in the past along with the associated day-length and Milankovitch cycle periods. Calculation assumptions are given in Waltham (2014)* and in a PowerPoint presentation.
*NB this paper is currently in peer-review and it is not recommended that the results are used unless and until the paper has been accepted (Dec, 2014)
Waltham, D, 2014. Milankovitch Cycle Evolution and Uncertainty. Geology, in review.
Earth Day
22.93 ± 0.47 hours
Earth-Moon Distance
377.0 ± 3.4 thousand km
Obliquity Periods
36.0 ± 2.2 ky
45.5 ± 3.4 ky
Climatic Precession Periods
17.79 ± 0.53 ky
21.90 ± 0.80 ky